Master of the year

Howling Heart Fitness Master of the Year
Picture of Kieran


We will start off with the fact that @clarecoomey is one of the few people in the gym that would actually ask for the Assault Bike in workouts, that’s the kind of person we are dealing with!! Also not to be outdone by Don who won this award last year 😂

We have been blown away by her since returning to the gym after the birth of her 3rd child. She recovered really well because of training carefully all the way through pregnancy and also her excellent nutrition habits!

What is phenomenal is the fact that she is consistently training with 3 small kids, a full-time job while also nailing her nutrition. Herself and Don have a really created a really good structure and habits to allow them both to train, it’s clearly paying off for her 💪

She has hit too many PBs to name with her strength, gymnastics and workouts! The one that sticks out for me though, is beating her old “Kelly” time to stay top of the leaderboard but this time she put up a score that would also put her on the men’s leaderboard too 🙌

So Clare is well-deserving of last year’s Master of The Year award 👏

#mastersoftheyear #consistency #mindset #attitude #hwpo #happy #hungry #humble #clonakilty

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