Teen of the year

Howling Heart Fitness Teen of the Year
Picture of Kieran


This award is to show case our younger members that are flourishing in the gym. This years award goes to the gent that is Aaron O Donovan 😊

We have said it before and we’ll say it again, when Aaron squats, we swear we can hear angels singing 😂

What a year it’s been for him, he has progressed his technique on beautifully and with that he has become incredibly strong! He comes up after school for training and quietly gets on with his business. He is very humble and always willing to learn more. This has been highlighted by him joining the Olympic weightlifting classes where he has quickly developed into a lovely lifter. He too has hit too many PBs to note too but his 1rm back squat at 160kg that just looked effortless, comes to mind straight away 👏

So Aaron is also well deserving of last year’s teen on the year award!! #teenoftheyear #consistency #mindset #attitude #hwpo #happy #hungry #humble #clonakilty

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