It was a difficult start to the year for training as we have said before but Micheal O’Sullivan still made massive improvements! He did something that wasn’t easy during the lockdown, losing a significant amount of weight.
As a result of this, his gymnastics has increased exponentially. Movements that would have been issues before like box jumps, wall walks and pull-ups/C2Bs are now taken in his stride!
He is very busy with work but would always make sure to get his training in, whether it was a PVC pipe at home or a late-night session in the gym, he would make sure to get it done
Even though he lost weight, his strength is constantly going up along with his Olympic Weightlifting numbers. Along with all that he is also showing some impressive running stats too All of this is a result of his consistency in all aspects of fitness!
Micheal has also become a member of staff at Howling Heart and is a great addition. He is one of the nicest people you will ever meet and is well-deserving of the Most Improved Award!!
#mostimproved #mrmay #consistency #mindset #attitude #hwpo #happy #hungry #humble #coachmicheal #clonakilty